Aviel Electronics Catalog
Aviel Electronics Catalog of Standard Coaxial Products

Preparation and Installation Tools
- Tools Section
- N Connector Installation Kits
- Professional Grade Coax Crimper and Kits
- Commercial Grade Coax Crimper and Die Sets
- Commercial Grade Coax Crimp Die Sets
- Stripping and Preparation Tools
- Wire Cutters
- Pliers
- Solderless Terminal Dies
- Modular Installation Tools and Kits
- Modular Handtools
- Comprehensive List of Dies
- Kits Section
- Why Unidapt™
- Classic Unidapt™ Kit 30 pieces
- Expanded Classic Unidapt™ Kit 43 pieces
- Unidapt™ Expansion Kits
- Unicables™
- Unidapt™ Mega Kits
- Unidapt™ Cable Testing Kits
- Unidapt™ Accessories
- List of Unidapt™ Adapters
- 7-16 DIN Adapter Kit
- 3.5mm Adapter Kit
- SMA Adapter Kit
- Cable Testing Kit
- Cable Assembly Kits and Accessories
- Cellular Radio Adapter Kits
- Mobile Radio Coaxial Adapter Kit
Legacy Line